18 February 2009

Bad Phone Conversation

S: hello, I'm looking for Mrs. X
X: oh yes. speaking
S: Hi, it's S from RWA i would like to talk about your house claim
X: sure. speak up please
S: sorry my chinese is crap. anyway there are some parts of you house claim that is not claimable under insurance.
X: dear, please dont speak cut chinese to me and say my claim is not acceptable
S: well, the insurance company says some parts they WILL NOT pay for. Do you understand?
X: no that doesnt make sense...which parts are not claimable

S: okay then *pass phone to manager*...after three long minutes *manager pass phone to director* after a very long time.. *director hangs up phone and grumply says: i hate doof heads like X! What is there not to get!!

mood in office atm: zzzzzzz

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